Robins Lane Parents, Teachers and Friends Association (PTFA) exists to bring children, staff, parents and friends of Robins Lane together socially in support of the school and to enhance the education of our children. All parents and members of the school community are encouraged to get involved even if they only have a small amount of time to give. All families are automatically members of the PTFA when their child joins Robins Lane.
Currently, the PTFA is raising funds for a gazebo and beach huts to provide much needed shaded space on the playground. These will also allow us to use this space for outdoor learning and will support the well-being of our children.
The following events took place during Autumn Term 2023:
Macmillan Coffee Morning:
The PTFA sold coffee, tea and cakes on the playground during drop-off time in the morning and raised £107.40 for Macmillan.
Autumn Bingo:
The PTFA hosted this fun event for all children with their parents/carers and raised £194.
Christmas Events:
The PTFA organised three sessions of Breakfast with Santa and a Winter Fayre & Santa Dash. The event was very succesful and we raised an incredible £4,205.
The following events took place during Spring Term 2024:
Breakfast with the Easter Bunny:
The PTFA hosted two sessions of ’Breakfast with the Easter Bunny’ and raised £357.
Spring Bonnet / Egg Parade:
Children were invited to make a spring bonnet or decorate an egg at home for our ‘Spring Bonnet / Egg Parade’ with a chance to win a prize. We were very impressed with the creativity of our children.
Easter Bingo:
The PTFA hosted this fun event for all children with their parents/carers and raised £506.
The following events took place during Summer Term 2024:
Family Fun Day and Sutton Shield Football Tournament: Saturday 29th June 2024
Friends of Sutton Park organise this annual event in Sutton Park. Children from Robins Lane represented our school in the football competition and the PTFA had a refreshment stall. We raised £128.
Summer Fayre: Friday 12th July 2024
The PTFA organised a fun afternoon with various stalls and fun games like soak the teacher, hook-a-duck, tin-can-alley, beat the goalie and a lot more. The fayre attracted a lot of visitors and we raised an amazing £971.52!!